On Track with Renovations

Thanks for checking back in! It's been a while since our last update to the blog and this time we have lots to share. Since the Spring I have been busy renovating the barn into a woodworking shop with my sons. First came the clean-up operation, which involved stripping out the old, dusty wall paneling and sweeping up years and years of dirt and debris. Then followed the process of wiring the barn for better electric distribution, improving it beyond its outdated and limited capacity. Now that power has been restored, the rest of the renovation process has progressed much easier and we're still moving right along. Here are some photos of our work over the first half of the summer:

Workshop after clean up in June.

Workshop after clean-up. The charming window on the wall will stay.

Workshop after clean-up. The small holes in the wall were sealed later.
Workshop floor after clean-up, formerly an animal troth.

Trimming pipe for electrical wire housing.
Grinding pipe ends for better fit. At this point there was only one outlet for power!
Installing the electrical housing.
My son Robert and I laying in the first layer of insulation.
The secondary layer of foamboard insulation.
My son Elliot and I focused on different tasks. Elliot is measuring out dimensions for a much-needed air conditioner housing.
Elliot with hammer and nail. Notice the new light fixture above!

Our first glaring problem: Rotted wood, treated with wood hardener.
Slowly filling in hollow beam with wood filler. A few more cans were required.
For more photos of our work, click here to see our "progress shots" album. Needless to say it has been a hot summer in the barn. I am looking forward to an air-conditioned workshop in the near future. In the meantime, I believe renovations are right on track. In the coming weeks, the walls will be fully insulated, water pipes will be installed, concrete shall be poured and new additions will be on their way. We hope you'll check back with us in a month's time for more pictures!